This mental defect kicks in in times of stress (i.e; the first round of combat), the mutant has a 5% chance of forgetting the last 24 hours. The chance that amnesia might occur is rolled no more than once per hour. For extremely stressful situations, the Games master may increase the odds. The results of forgetting are one round of standing confused, even in combat. When the mutant snaps out of the confusion, the character will probably not remember why they are where they are, or what they were supposed to be doing (but they will defend themselves against obvious aggression).
In calm situations, the mutant has a 5% chance of not remembering simple things or not recalling old memories. If they are told to go to a shop and buy supplies, there is a small chance they will forget what they were supposed to buy. If called upon to remember the name of a friend from years back, he might not. Remember, this should be rolled no more than once an hour.
Mutants who forget a period of time, fact or memory, can be "reinformed" of the missing information by their friends (provided their friends know of information). While they then technically still do not remember, they can function as if they did. Espers can bring back the lost memories of any creature which submits hypnosis.